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Inside the Nation (The Scoop on Catch Me)

Hello, Loves and welcome back to Inside The Nation. This week I thought we’d talk more about Catch Me. I’ve been asked, a few times since we started the promotion, what made me write about an assassin. That’s a very good question, considering I’ve never done it before, so I thought I’d answer it. I usually write horror, whether it’s historical fiction or just fiction in general and I give it a supernatural twist, so this book is definitely a new experience for me.

In all honesty, Catch Me and Omega’s book Yours Truly were thought of at the same meeting. Omega and I were tossing around some book ideas and I asked her a question, “What if Jack the Ripper was really a woman?” I went on to talk about how most killings, where a knife was used as the murder weapon, were done by women and how I felt as if the murders were done in a revenge sort of way. We continued to play around with the idea, talking it through, asking each other more questions like:

What if she targeted prostitutes because her husband cheated on her with one?

What if she couldn’t have children and said prostitute got pregnant by her husband?

What if he left her for the prostitute and his unborn baby…

And after all the questions and most of the answers, Yours Truly was born. Once we discussed it more thoroughly, we decided that (insert fun fact… I was originally supposed to write it, but convinced Omega the story was meant for her to tell) she would start on the research. Omega had done months and months of research and we had another meeting to see how I should start it off. We got off track, as we sometimes do, and came up with the idea that her great (x5) niece would/could be an assassin in the present. How cool would that be right? Not only would we have a fabulous book about Jack the Ripper being female, now we had her descendant, also a woman, being an assassin.

Needless to say, Omega started on and released Yours Truly, I put out a few books, and Catch Me was semi-forgotten. Fast forward to the end of 2016, another meeting, more book ideas tossed around and we came up with Hit List (another brilliant piece by Omega). While discussing Hit List and what it would be about, Erin (the main character of Catch Me) peeks her head out. It was like she was asking ‘Hey, what about me?’. So, Omega, being the genius that she is, suggested that we intertwine Hit List and Catch Me, making the main characters work for the same organization. Perfect! Abso-RedInkPub-lutely Perfect! Omega and I did the research on assassins and a few other things (don’t want to give too much away in case you haven’t read Hit List yet) and we began to write.

I’m going to have to say, although this book is nothing like I’ve written before, I loved the process. I love how it intertwines other books on the Red Ink roster and how Omega and I worked in tandem while writing. It was great to read a part in Hit List and see the same thing unfold, in Erin’s pov, in Catch Me. And, truth be told, I kind of liked getting into the mind of an assassin that has cryokinetics.

Thanks for tuning in this week, hope I answered some of your questions, and as always I wish you Happy Reading!

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